Thursday, October 16, 2008

Turbo Pascal - Number Guesser

During my ICT 12 class, Mr. Vogel has been teaching us many different aspects of how to use Turbo Pascal. We have created a bunch of different versions of a "Number Guessing" program, all which operate in the same manner although are able to produce different outcomes. The Number Guesser program picks a random number, and the player has to try to keep on entering different numbers in order to guess the correct one. While the player is playing, they will be given hints such as if the number is too high or too low. In order to make the program more complex, we added a code that allows the program to ask the player if they want to play again once they have guessed the first random number. Also, while the player is playing, the game will count up the amount of guesses in which have been made. Once the player no longer wants to play anymore, they have to put an "N" for no when the option comes up asking if they want to play again. The program will then go back to the code form, and can be played again by clicking Run.

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